Be an Upstander, Let the World Hear Your Voice
Lindsay Biebelberg, BJEP Interim Program Director, reflects on the Jewish values of questioning, speaking up, and standing up for yourself and others, and how BJEP shares these tenets in our classrooms. On February 28, BJEP had the pleasure of welcoming Billy Planer as a guest educator for our BJEP@Home Sunday program. Billy is the founder […]
Continue ReadingComparison is the Thief of Joy
From Rabbi’s Myra’s desk: These words were originally said by President Teddy Roosevelt, but the lesson embedded within it is much much older. In the age of social media, it’s hard not to get into the game of comparisons. We see other people’s public personas flashed across our screens at lightning speed and our judgements […]
Continue ReadingWhat does Jewish community do for me?
While in rabbinical school, a mentor of mine said “if you want to understand what someone values, look at where they’re spending their money – there is no greater values statement than someone’s bank statement.” For better or worse, this pandemic has forced many of us to reassess our financial commitments, often playing our values against […]
Continue ReadingParashat Matot-Masei: Pushing Past Our Fear
When was the last time that fear stopped you from doing something? Maybe it was when taking on a new project at work, or when challenging yourself to get involved in your community in a new way. It could also be that your fears these days are wrapped up in the all-too-real reality of whether […]
Continue ReadingWelcoming and Inclusive Community
The BJEP community is a safe zone for families of all types, sizes, shapes, colors and backgrounds. Thanks to our friends @jqinternational for helping our space communicate that #pridemonth #prideshabbat #blm
Continue ReadingLearn, Innovate, Move Forward/June 2020
Rabbi Myra Meskin shares some words with BJEP Families, BJEP Alum and the entire Jewish Community as she joins us as BJEP’s Community Director and Spiritual Leader in BJEP’s 54th year. I want to acknowledge that the events of the last few months have been a difficult time for all of us, and each of […]
Continue ReadingChecking in on our Community
While BJEP’s Board continues discussions these past few weeks on a variety of important topics, our first priority is to check on the well-being of our BJEP community in these unprecedented times. Debbie Friedman, z”l, a Jewish singer/songwriter who was a leader in composing contemporary Jewish songs, wrote a beautiful prayer for healing. We share […]
Continue ReadingWhy are We Here?
Remarks by Alex Friedman, BJEP 7th Grade Teacher: What better way to understand why a Jewish education, in general, and BJEP Jewish Sunday School, in particular, is important, than through the words of one of our classroom teachers? In a world with incidents of anti-Semitism and violence, it is difficult to make sense of what […]
Continue ReadingReflections on Mayyim Hayyim
Written by Aly Schenker, BJEP Parent “Where are we going?” “What is it?” “Why?” My two boys, ages seven and ten, were pelting me with questions – none of which I could answer. It was one of those mom moments that felt frustrating. “It’s this place in Newton that has these special baths and it […]
Continue ReadingGiving Thanks and Incorporating Themes of Justice
As we approach Thanksgiving this year, I want to offer two observations. The first is that there are Jewish connections to the holiday. There is historical evidence that, prior to coming to the New World, the Pilgrims lived among Sephardic Jews in Holland for a brief time. During that period, they would have experienced Sukkot […]
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